samedi 29 novembre 2014

around japanese animation ( Culture) + bonus ( a drawing by me )

All begin by mangas

The word "manga" is sometimes used to indicate, by extension, a not Japanese comic strip respecting the codes of the Japanese popular productions or to name, awkwardly, other visual products calling back some of these comic strips (cartoons, graphic style, etc.). Mangas translated into French language are generally read in the direction of origin (from right to left).

It brings a certain confusion because the reading of the words is then made in the inverse sense(direction) of that of compartments (what is not the case in Japan).

  •  origins?
 Invented by the caricaturist Katsushika Hokusai ( 1760-1849 ), the manga term means literally " derisory image ". "Manga" of Hokusai were prints caricaturing popular characters. This type of representation, their style and their boldness, eventually gave birth to a shape of graphic expression full, in the same way as the comic-portfolio in the United States or the French-Belgian Comic strip in Europe.

Then it's become an animation 

An Anime , also called  japanime or japanimation1, indicates a series or a cartoon movie from Japan. It is the diminutive of the word animeshon transcription of English "animation 2 itself".

While the very first known Japanese animations date 19173 and while a good many of original livened up(led) drawings are produced during the next decades, the characteristic and the style anime develop during 1960s (in particular thanks to the works of Osamu Tezuka) and popularize outside the borders of Japan during 1970s and 1980.
The anime, as the manga, possesses a wide audience in Japan and is easily recognizable all over the world. The distributors can spread(broadcast) anime by means of TV channels, by video, by theater

  • mangas et jeux video

video games are adapted  of Mangas et Animes.

  • Fashion in link with Mangas
like we can see, the passion of manga can  be find on style clothing

like the Pink style

as well cosplay ( 1rst article)

  • bonus 

My drawing

Fashion around America

Country of contrast which continue to fascinate the world .
This country is before any the cultural center of the world. 
The United States consist of fifty States and a federal district, District of Columbia
and  are the vastest fourth country of the world making all the European continent and 1st economic power of the world, 2nd to the purchase power and the third tourist country of the world. 
This country is rich of story and success, are often idolised by other country.

  • innovation side

  • commercial side


 and many  others thing to discover also many shops actractive with a not fancy price

most of american like to follow the trend
trere, here is a famous  american popular trend which then across the world  by celibrities:

  • Swagg


 the term Swag or Swagg comes at the origin of the term ' Swagger ' in English which means globally " the way of appearing at the world with trust and with style ". It is the sophistication of the clothing style associated with a "cool" attitude.

To be " Swagger " or "being Swag" is a way of behaving and of appearing to the world of a way which generates some respect within your circle of acquaintances.
The term Swagger was used for a long time in the American black district between the end of the 70s and the beginning of the 90s. The term is reappeared since the 2000s by being popularized by certain rappers of Atlanta and Houston.

Always prejudices, people have to stop this ! ( culture)

 Today, i will share my opinion about prejudice, subject of all day which is rarely talk.

I always used to hear that every asian is chinese and all  are the same .

Wrong !

it's a prejudice! 

 Asia it's a big continent it's not only composed of china, there are Russia, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam ect...

chinese,japanese ,taiwanese,korean are same.


  •  they don't speak the same language

  •  not the same writting

 korean alphabet (the hangul)


the japanese alphabet (there it is called Katakana)

  • culture is different even if they are not far
 example:  the traditional clothe in korea is the hanbok

and taditional clothe in vietnam is Áo dài 

  •  they don't all look like

  1. a japanese girl
  2. a chinese girl
  3. a korean girl

and the same pejudice are apply on  all races (blacks, white, indians, ect...)

 no to prejudice, it's hurtful ! and yes to the love ,peace and friends for all races!

i think that we have to be more aware  and open minded about different culture of the world


at the discovering of Jamaica

Jamaica is an island of the caribean seas.
She constitue  a independent country being a part of Antilles.
The Jamaican economy is founded on the natural resource as the bauxite and a climate favorable to agriculture and to tourism which is the main source of income and furnich aproximately a quarter of all job of the counrty.
Jamaicans are bilingual, they speak english as well as jamaican creole(english patois)

the city the most actrative by tourist is  Ocho Rios

  • for his waterfall

  •  and river

  • As well as his beaches

At level culture

 Jamaican culture is a variable mix,rich and colored:The first Spanish conquistadors, then British, the pirates formerly present in all the Caribbean and especially the slaves of western Africa forged this Jamaican culture so fascinating. We find even a pinch of east, with the more recent arrival of Indian and Chinese immigrants.

now we will focus on fashion in jamaica enough know:

  • Rasta style

Their colour are  the one of the Imperial Ethiopia :
  • the red is for the blood sheded
  • the yellow for the gold stolen by lootings
  • the green, colour of the earth

"Rasta"is the  diminutive of "rastafarian".
 Rastafarians are followers of the mouvement rastafari.
This mouvement religious and cultural was born in Jamaica in the first half of 20th century .
He wish to give again a pride and a worthy place to black man, in untie him of the identity colonial and western society , and in tie him to his african root.

  • dreadlocks

It's not really a trend
but a lifestyle choose or a religion choose which refert to
" The razor will not pass on the head (...) He will let grow freely his hair " (Old Testament, Numbers 6-5).

Their hair are naturally tangled or braided in braids(mats) which we call "dreadlocks", " dreads " or " locks ".

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

at the discovery of Tahiti


Don't  confused with Hawaii
Tahiti  is an island of the  Frensh Polynesia (community of overseas) localised in the south of the Pacific ocean., of the group of islands of the wind and the archipelago of society.This high island and  montainious, of origin volcanic , is surrounded of a reef of coral .
The island  also composed of 2 parts Tahiti Nui, the most important, and  Tahiti Iti also called the Peninsula.
the language the most speaking is the french than tahitian

  • many stories and tradition in link with the country

  • without forget beautiful places of accommodations near beaches for a better view.

To begin, we will discover the tahitian culture then in a second part the fashion linked with the culture

  • Tahitian culture
 French Polynesia is a very rich heritage cultural and he is especially very varied.Indeed,between architecture , archeological relics,dance,music also painting or litterature, we can find prints of this culture in each island of frensh polynesia.  

there, here is some 3 things interesting  in link with the subject that i searsh:

  •  Tiki  
it's  means as well  « men », « God » or « God-men », is a presentation human sculpted of way  that one the find under form of statue or pendant , often in jade or in bones .

Tiki in sculpture


Tikis are often male, rather stocky ,but  female tikis exist too.
 Sexuals attribut are represented in the sculpture. Arms are refold and take back to at the front, hands placed on the belly. Legs are flexed and the head,often disproportioned,huge eyes . the mouth  is sometimes very expressif.

Tiki in pendant

  It can be given of generation in generation,
and can be used like a  talisman or personnal fetish.

  • Tattoo

Symbols are based essentielly on polynesian myth  just as the semantic (etude of the meaning of words) of  polynesians language.
 The Support of the identity cultural  ma’ohi, the polynesian tatoo benefit  the use of black todu noir detriment of the colour . 
Ofgeometric inspiration, vegetal or animal, often symbolic, it is wearing so much by men than women as a  bodily  jewellery.
 and unlike  to western it's did to be viewed.

  • Tiare
The Tiare tahiti is a symbol national of the French Polynesia.
 it is also widely used in the design and advertisement (bank, air company...).
It's might be because of his subte perfume and his white colour so pure that the tiare is become very popular. 

Now we will more focus on the fashion in tahiti in link with culture.

  • Fashion in Tahiti

 Like we can see, 
the most often tahitian wear flowered  clothes, indeed flowers are tiare the symbol national of the french polynesia like i explained in the first part.
And one of this flower can be wear like a hair accessory, it is wearing behind the ear and can have many signification:
  • Flowers wearing at the right ear : You are single, free
  • Flowers wearing at the left ear :  You are married, fiancé or taken
  • Flowers on the two ears, toward at the front : You are married but still free
  • Flowers wearing toward in the back : You are immediately free. 

There, it is a famous outfit in tahiti only wear to traditional dance .

    mardi 25 novembre 2014

    Fashion in south korea (culture&society around fashion)


    12th economical power of the word and the biggest of asiatic dragons , South Korea don't finish to surprise us especially as she knew a showy phase of progress and integration in the global economy modern.
     This country of Far East knew how to develop contacts with the West, and emerged as tourist destination.

    Now, we are going to speak about the fashion in the country of the quiet morning, indeed we will see that a which point the fashion is very influenced in the society.
    Without forget , South korea  front of derived of fashion

    At first, we will see some style very reputed in South korea
    •   ulzzang style
           It's look like  a japanese style because of the doll appearence and innocent.
          But it's really different , because this style is more natural and the make up too,
           Moreover you have to be wearring fashion outfit and want like to be cuter.

      « ulzzang » means  « best  »in korean but the terme is used in the culture to reate a south korean style unique.  Corresponding  to the origin  with big eyes,small lips,straight nose and white skin of koreans models. 
    Ulzzang style become very famous in the contest of pictures Cyworld, ,for  which voter choise among pictures.
    To have this style, you  will must to take care of your appearence  (healthy hair, good clothes ect..)
    Moreover the fact to be reconize like an ulzzang can  lead you to a carreer in the cinema like actresse or to be singer or model.

    •   K pop style

                                                                                                             (there it's a famous kpop star 2ne1)

    To begin  k pop ( korean pop ) is  musical kind from south korea caracterized by a large variety of elements audiovisuals. Even if  this terme  designe all sort of «famous music »  south korean.
    Very famous in asiatic country, k pop starting more and more to invade the world, like USA,in Europe,Canada and in Australia.
    At level clothing, this style is inspired by k pop stars, clothes in the tone colory, flashy, enough trend and moderne as well as the hair style ( hair colored) and often to bear cicle lens
    (lens colored with a big diameter)...

    • Plastic surgery , a trend in south korea (A goal  to  researsh an ideal )


    In korea , standards of beauty is very strict, we must be very meticulous in  beauty,it is to be cuter than your friend, than your mother, than your neiboor,i to be cute not for you but for everybody.
    It is a concurence.
     moreover, korean society judged  many on the appearence 
    To find a job  or to have a better university will depend to your beauty n generally and not to your intelligence as well to find a men (the beauty is more important than the personality)
    the ideal is  to have a very white skin, it's a sign  of respect to the society and a sign of wealthy, tanned skin is seen as poverty.
    althrough to have resort to plastic surgery in the goal to  have beautiful face in « V »,a  straight nose,  eyelided, jawbone remake.

    The plastic surgery is considered like make up of everyday for their, it's not shoking, often parent invest  money to their child before their enter to university to pay theim surgery like  a award.
    But it's to avoid to be rejeted , to have more luck in their social life that their prefer to have resort to plastic surgery.  

    lundi 24 novembre 2014

    fashion around caraibean islands ( Guadeloupe)

    We know that Guadeloupe is a small french  island,
    one of this departement
    Yet this small island  don't avoid to attract many tourist for this charms

    Indeed, they are many nice view to discover.

    as well under the sea.

    Now, we will focus on the west indies fashion.

    Caraibean dresses

    Of diverse origins ,This kind of style creole is the reflect of the Caribbean
    This costums creole come of a long story , mixed varied  come from India, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Day after day, clothes martinican become the fondamental  expression of the identity west indian.  

    Each dresses own a signification:

    La Grand Robe,always realised in a coloured materialor shinning. She is wear with a half-slip and a cape with the same tint.

     La Douillette, dress of everyday ,she is constitued of a half-slip ,a dress pressed at the waist in cotton fabric flowery, at tiles and stripe .

    La Titane, this clothes was wear by the courtesan  of the epoque . she did'nt hesited to put a  shirt   brighten up of a flounce in english broderie tighten by a ribon of satin or of a vivacious colour.

    As well the creole dress  is wearing in wedding or baptism

    Or party like the cook party and carnival


    moreover the outil can be escort with a headdress that i will explain

    Headdress and meanings

    To bear a hat was forbidden in time to slavery in Martinique as well in others departelent in west indies .
    Freed slaves lerning to tie their scarf in madras to do a variable headdress.  The way to tie and the number of point of the headress reaveled the disponibility lover of the person who owner.

    * one point means  heart to take

    *two point already take,but the luck can smile to audacious* three point,woman married, heart definitively tie by the wedding 
     * Four point "heart susceptble to welcome still lovers


    But everytings not only happenning in guadeloupe but in others departement guadeloupe departement of overseas (Martinique,French Guyana,Reunion ect...)