mardi 25 novembre 2014

Fashion in south korea (culture&society around fashion)


12th economical power of the word and the biggest of asiatic dragons , South Korea don't finish to surprise us especially as she knew a showy phase of progress and integration in the global economy modern.
 This country of Far East knew how to develop contacts with the West, and emerged as tourist destination.

Now, we are going to speak about the fashion in the country of the quiet morning, indeed we will see that a which point the fashion is very influenced in the society.
Without forget , South korea  front of derived of fashion

At first, we will see some style very reputed in South korea
  •   ulzzang style
       It's look like  a japanese style because of the doll appearence and innocent.
      But it's really different , because this style is more natural and the make up too,
       Moreover you have to be wearring fashion outfit and want like to be cuter.

  « ulzzang » means  « best  »in korean but the terme is used in the culture to reate a south korean style unique.  Corresponding  to the origin  with big eyes,small lips,straight nose and white skin of koreans models. 
Ulzzang style become very famous in the contest of pictures Cyworld, ,for  which voter choise among pictures.
To have this style, you  will must to take care of your appearence  (healthy hair, good clothes ect..)
Moreover the fact to be reconize like an ulzzang can  lead you to a carreer in the cinema like actresse or to be singer or model.

  •   K pop style

                                                                                                         (there it's a famous kpop star 2ne1)

To begin  k pop ( korean pop ) is  musical kind from south korea caracterized by a large variety of elements audiovisuals. Even if  this terme  designe all sort of «famous music »  south korean.
Very famous in asiatic country, k pop starting more and more to invade the world, like USA,in Europe,Canada and in Australia.
At level clothing, this style is inspired by k pop stars, clothes in the tone colory, flashy, enough trend and moderne as well as the hair style ( hair colored) and often to bear cicle lens
(lens colored with a big diameter)...

  • Plastic surgery , a trend in south korea (A goal  to  researsh an ideal )


In korea , standards of beauty is very strict, we must be very meticulous in  beauty,it is to be cuter than your friend, than your mother, than your neiboor,i to be cute not for you but for everybody.
It is a concurence.
 moreover, korean society judged  many on the appearence 
To find a job  or to have a better university will depend to your beauty n generally and not to your intelligence as well to find a men (the beauty is more important than the personality)
the ideal is  to have a very white skin, it's a sign  of respect to the society and a sign of wealthy, tanned skin is seen as poverty.
althrough to have resort to plastic surgery in the goal to  have beautiful face in « V »,a  straight nose,  eyelided, jawbone remake.

The plastic surgery is considered like make up of everyday for their, it's not shoking, often parent invest  money to their child before their enter to university to pay theim surgery like  a award.
But it's to avoid to be rejeted , to have more luck in their social life that their prefer to have resort to plastic surgery.  

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